Level up with a monthly art competition!

1-Godzillas Next Challenger


june 2019

It’s summer blockbuster time, so we thought we would get in on all the action! The prompt for this month’s art contest is GODZILLA’S NEXT CHALLENGER

Jake Parker came up with this one 😎 It’s a nod to the new Godzilla movie, and the Kaijune art challenge.

Wait, so what is Kaijune? It’s a fun art challenge started by Riley Phillips in 2017, where you draw a kaiju a day for the entire month of June, then post to your social media with the hashtag #kaijune.

OK, so what is a kaiju? It’s the Japanese word for “strange beast,” and has come to mean the genre of movies featuring giant monsters attacking things, the most famous being Godzilla (or Gojira, if you’re fancy.)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to “Illustrate your biggest, baddest creature that could contend with the king of all monsters!” We are looking for scale here!

Submit your BEST kaiju of the month, one entry per person. Anyone can submit, but only active subscribers can win.


The Winners!


braden hallett

Social Media

kerisa greene

Social Media


Our Competitors

june 2019 Submissions



If you want to turbocharge your training regimen before entering the arena, check out the art classes at svslearn.com! They are designed to strengthen your art skills and get you competition ready. Stream unlimited art classes, anytime anywhere!