Level up with a monthly art competition!

23-Fairy tale traveler

January 2021


MArch 2021

Your assignment is to design a Fairy-Tale Traveler. Your character is young, naive, but resilient and stouthearted! Their quiet village is hidden away in a secluded valley, but is in grave danger. A horde of goblins have promised to raid the village when the harvest moon rises. Our young traveler is on a quest to find someone, anyone, powerful enough to fight back the horde and save their village from destruction.

What we want from you is a character design sheet with your own take on the traveler. They could be a halfling, elf, human, or animal. Just make them appealing and interesting.

Every entry must have 5 color drawings on ONE page:

  • 1 neutral pose front, 3/4 view

  • 1 neutral post back, 3/4 view

  • 1 walking or running pose

  • 1 sitting pose (ground or chair)

  • 1 close up of face

What can you do to make the character stand out from ALL the other designs of fairy tale characters you've seen? Think of the character's background, personality, wants, and needs. All of these attributes will play an important role in the creativity of your design.

Allright, good luck!”

If you want to check out a deep dive on character development, here’s a neat post from Jake’s Kickstarter campaign for his SkyHeart comic, showing the evolution of the main character Wake. He went through many rounds before he ended up with the Wake we know now!


The Winners!


liz orton

Social Media

carlianne tipsey

Social Media


Our Competitors

march 2021 Submissions



If you want to turbocharge your training regimen before entering the arena, check out the art classes at svslearn.com! They are designed to strengthen your art skills and get you competition ready. Stream unlimited art classes, anytime anywhere!