Level up with a monthly art competition!

27-Designing Albert's House

January 2021


July 2021

What does home sweet home look like for Albert??

Last month the challenge was to design a cute but mischievous little wild animal named Albert.

This month we are going to build on that and design a home for him!

Albert was a wild animal that is now living with a family, so it should look suburban, but with details and a flair that make it the perfect abode for Albert and his family. Should be cute and playful!

For this challenge, the building should be at a 3/4 angle.

While you must submit via the Critique Arena website to officially qualify, we do encourage you to post your final entry in the SVSLearn forum as well so everyone can see and comment! As always, if you want feedback on a Work In Progress, please start a new thread.

OK good luck y’all!


The Winners!


Chris Akins

Social Media

Iain Davidson

Social Media


Our Competitors

July 2021 Submissions


If you want to turbocharge your training regimen before entering the arena, check out the art classes at svslearn.com! They are designed to strengthen your art skills and get you competition ready. Stream unlimited art classes, anytime anywhere!